Wind turbine, cylinder for rotation and cube for airflow. What's missing?

Hello, im trying to make my first air simulation for wind turbine.
I have created the turbine, cylinder for rotating zone and cube for airflow.
I get following error when trying to run the simulation:

A setup with at least 2 regions is being used in a single-region analysis type. Please delete CAD regions that are irrelevant for the simulation. If all CAD regions are relevant, ensure that only one region is assigned to the material and that all other bodies are assigned to advanced concepts.

This is the link to my project:

I would like to learn what im doing wrong. Thanks in advance!

I made a small modification:
I have added my flow region as Momentum source - average velocity and it seems the simulation is now running. Is that how I am supposed to do it?

welp, the simulation failed:
A multi-region mesh was assigned - this analysis-type requires a single-region mesh.

Perhaps the following documentation will help resolve your issue: How to Prepare the CAD for Simulating Rotating Zones | SimScale
Note that “A very important step is to assign the rotating zone as an Excluded Part . This will ensure a correct behavior in the simulation run.”
See image below:

Also note that the rotating zone volume needs to be defined as a Cell zone so that the mesh can be properly set.

If using the Hex Dominant Meshing, then you need to add a surface refinement to create a cell zone. This documentation page may help: Rotating Zones | Advanced Concepts | SimScale
Note from the documentation page in Figure 8, " For rotating zones a cell zone is mandatory." The cell zone is assigned in the Excluded parts tab.
The following documentation page shows an example on how to create a cell zone and how to assign the cell zone in the Mesh selection:
How to Create Cell Zones? | Knowledge Base | SimScale

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Thanks a lot.
I have missed that part with excluding zone.
I will try it out and let you know if it works.

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Does it work for you?