Tim Kendall trkendall@gmail.com 09:07 (2 hours ago)
to support
Trying to simulate a wind turbine, the number I’m after is called the tip speed ratio which is the ratio of the rotational velocity of the turbine circumference to the wind speed. (Public link below)
So it’s the velocity differential simscale calculates divided by 2, divided by the wind speed.
Theory suggests TSR should be > 4.18 and possibly as high as a bit over 5.
The only run which manages this is run 14.
Looking at the mesh, I have a refinement of 0.7 cm and I know from experiment simscale runs out of memory if this is decreased much more. The last mesh here has 0.7 cm, the same value as used for run 14, albeit a mesh made later. The boundary layers around the airfoils look ok mostly but the mesh quality factor won’t get better than around 0.35 - 0.37. I have experimented with various meshing parameters but now gone back to the defaults.
Do you have any suggestions to improve the mesh? I see the poorest quality cells are around the turbine blades and I assume this is why results are so variable.
Looking at mesh quality I see a lot of cells with high-non-orthogonality, clustered around leading and trailing edges. (In some places these bad cells are also boundary layer cells). I expect this may well cause the problem.
Can anyone suggest ways to improve the mesh ?