Vibration Analysis of Internal Combustion Engine

Hi actually I want to conduct vibration analysis on my Janbacher 3.34 MW Genset (JGS 620). But before that, I need to clear out a few queries.

I got to know that if a peak occurs at different frequencies, this means that following issues may arise: 1) A prominent spectral peak between 0.43X and 0.48X indicates the presence of oil whirl. 2) A prominent spectral peak at 1X represents the presence of imbalance or bent shaft. 3) A prominent spectral peak at 2X indicates the misalignment 4) A prominent spectral peak at 4X indicates the potential soft foot issues.

Please can someone provide me with a reference standard or reference paper which verifies the causes of different vibration peaks. Actually I want to see a reference paper which says that if a peak occurs at 2X, this means there is misalignment.


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Hi @ajaleel,

I don’t have any inputs on the papers for you to take a look at since the SimScale Team only provides support when it comes to simulating in the platform. However, this webinar from our YouTube Channel might be interesting to you:

Best of luck on your research,