Velocity Divergence Issue

Hello, I can’t get my third simulation to run, and I don’t know how to fix the problem.
I used standard settings for the Mesh.

Heres the error:

Hey erdgerd6978,

Thank you for posting on the Forum.

Velocity divergence issues are normally caused by a relatively coarser mesh in an area where velocity variation or gradient might be relatively very large. These are normally around smaller elements in a model. The location mentioned in the error can help you figure out the region in which this happened.

The most common remedy is to refine the meshing just around this region and rerun the simulation. Please also refer to this article: Divergence in Simulation: How to Tell When and Where? | SimScale to understand the problem better.

For mesh refinement techniques applicable to your standard mesh settings, please follow this article: Standard Mesher | Meshing for CAE | Documentation | SimScale

Let us know how it works out for you or if you need more support with this.


Thanks, I suspect the CAD model quality then, I will rework it and see how it turns out.