Validating the Heat Transfer in a Novel Heat Exchanger

Status - WIP

Not started yet.



Heat Exchanger performance is integral to the enhancement of energy efficiency. Typical heat exchangers are equipped with parallel flow and/or counter-flow arrangements. Two fluids flowing in parallel or in opposite direction to each other serve as heat sinks or sources as the requirement may be. This study considers a novel consideration for a heat exchanger, wherein, the heat exchanger consists of tube with a narrow slot oriented in the stream-wise direction. This study is aimed at validating the novel design against experimental hence providing a proof-of-concept.

Input Data

Our recommendation would be to create the geometry on Onshape. The geometry can be directly imported from Onshape to the SimScale platform.

  • The details about setting up the validation case can be found in [1]. The CFD analysis of transient flow around the two bridges is the central topic of this validation case.
  • The CFD results are to be validated against measured flow fields. The stream function can be seen here:

More experimental data to be validated against can be found in [1].


This project is intended towards validating the flow-fields as well as thermal fields against experiments. Such a validation project enables the user to enhance their knowledge in convective heat transfer physics and extend it towards applying CFD best practices.

Key Words

Validation, heat-exchanger, HVAC, Tube and fin, OpenFOAM.

Literature & Sources


Hi. I would like to attempt this.

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I will answer your private message @Dhaval! :+1:



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