Transient-incompressible underwater Echosounder Simulation


I am new to CFD and am trying to simulate a sub-equipment. I believe the simulation must be transient because I want to gather information about potential VIV (vortex-induced vibrations). I have already run a similar simulation in SimScale, it was steady state and was successful. Now, I’ve made some changes and am attempting a new simulation, but I ve got errors, which you can see in the attached picture. It would be really helpful if someone could suggest a solution or provide tips on how to continue the simulation.

Link to project: SimScale Login
(but only visible for support Team :frowning: because of academic version)

Thanks a lot!


Thanks for posting on the forum and welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

Setting up a transient analysis is usually not an easy and straightforward task like setting up a steady state one. The mesh needs to be very well behaved and the maximum timestep/Courant number carefully chosen. For such a large domain (9.4M cells), a transient analysis would also consume lots of resources and not be feasible to my evaluation.

You should also use PIMPLE instead of PISO to be able to work with larger Courant numbers:


As a last comment, this webinar from my colleague Darren has proven very useful to many users when setting up a transient analysis.


Thank you for your Answer!

I guess, the profile is a bit complex, making it challenging to achieve a good mesh with fewer nodes. Therefore, I believe I cannot complete a transient simulation within the core hours allowed in the academic version. Do you have any other suggestions, aside from the webinar, on how I can conduct a cost-effective transient simulation? Would a LBM simulation be a better option?

Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a straightforward answer to that question - the general advice provided in the webinar is the way to go for users to perform these sorts of analysis. LBM is usually our go-to approach but it’s not available to Academic users of the platform.