I have been having FPE’s quite a lot lately but I now give thanks to a somewhat strange suggestion in this post of Oct 2020.
I have recovered from FPE’s 3 times now during the morphing phase of mesh creation.
All I did each time was move my Material Point closer to 0,0,0 !!! (and still made sure it was still outside my geometry)
I just thought I would bump this potential fix for others to maybe find it more easily.
Thanks @tsite !!!
I have been having serious trouble with FPEs lately during the mesh morphing phase of my meshes which are between 12,000,000 and 16,000,000 cells.
I had already moved the Material Point as close to 0,0,0 as I could, so I thought this ‘fix’ was maxed out and I tried many other things without luck.
Then I had a thought, maybe the Material Point should be as close as possible to the Center of a ‘bounding sphere’ of my total airplane geometry (that made some sense to my confused brain )
So that is what I did on a copy of a ZERO illegal faces mesh in which an FPE appeared after I had only changed the BMB size and the size of its single internal cartesian box, and the new FPE magically disappeared on re-meshing with MP at center of the geometry’s ‘bounding sphere’ !!!
The Floating Point Error in the new mesh creation finally disappeared after trying my new method of ‘where to move the MP to’.
The new mesh has 4 illegal twist faces. This bothers me but so be it.
I wish we had access to openfoams’ mesh morphing parameters in the SimScale UI