Thermal Shock Analysis of a Globe Valve

Dear SimScalers,

in this week’s Project Spotlight we will have a look at the Thermal Shock analysis by @ahmedhussain18.

Type of analysis: Thermostructural Analysis - Uncoupled thermomechanical analysis (advanced)

Solver: Code_Aster

Transient or steady-state: Transient

Static or dynamic: Static

Nonlinear Analysis: True

Mesh Type: Tet-dominant

Number of cores used for the simulation: 32

Computation time: The analysis ran for a total simulation interval of 468 sec. (7.8 min.) on a 32 core machine and took around 323 min. to complete.

Post-Processing Evaluation

Post-Processing - Temperature and Cauchy-Stress After Hot Shock

Post-Processing - Temperature and Cauchy-Stress After Hot Shock Equilibrium

Post-Processing - Temperature and Cauchy-Stress After Cold Shock

Animation of the Post-Processing

For a full documentation of this project and the results of the Thermal Shock on the bolt reaction forces, please visit: Thermal Shock Analysis of a Globe Valve

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