There is error message when opening .pvd file in paraview using my Mac Pro

There is error message when opening .pvd file in paraview using my Mac Pro.
How can I solve this?

Hi @raj_manj,

Thanks for posting your question!
Have you downloaded this .pvd file from a SimScale project? If so, could you please share the project link here? It would be helpful.


Actually I was trying to make simple test if it works for heat transfer analysis and if it is possible to postprocess in paraview. Yes I downloaded in .pvd file format.
Here is the link.

Thank you.

Hi @raj_manj,

Thanks for sharing the link :slight_smile:
I see that you’re using Safari as web browser. I just have downloaded the case in google chrome and it has been opening well in ParaView.

Could you please try that with Chrome and then let me know if this works?


Thank you so much for your information. Exactly, I used it on safari. I will try to use it in chrome. Thank you.