Temperature field started diverging

Hi guys,
I’m having trouble with my simulation. I am currently completing an assignment in which I need to run a simulation on an enclosure with an exhaust fan located on the right. The Temperature field diverging error appears, this is the exact message:

Temperature field started diverging. Please check the mesh quality near the reported location and try refining the mesh. If the problem occured near a boundary, please check the boundary conditions. Temperature = -132863 at position: (0.08682 m, -0.1588 m, 0.03793 m).

I am unsure why this is happening as my mesh appears to be fine, and I haven’t changed any temperature settings. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am pretty new to simscale as this is my first real project. My project can be found here: Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am pretty new to simscale as this is my first real project. My project can be found here: https://www.simscale.com/workbench/?pid=8696182007788710161&mi=run%3A50%2Csimulation%3A44&mt=SIMULATION_RUN

Thank you in advance

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Hi there, thank you for using the forum!

This issue is probably mesh related. Keep in mind to always check these two pages when divergence occurs:

These contain some valuable tips in order to locate the problematic areas that need refinement :slight_smile: The point that the error message indicates can also be helpful. :smiley:
For this case, another concern is the compressibility that was automatically applied as you are using the original version of the Conjugate Heat transfer analysis type. I will create a run to check this, and be back when I have news!

Best regards,