Simulation problem "tires slipping"

when simulating the magnetic braking of a bicycle. During this type of braking of bicycles, there is the problem of tires slipping on the road. For the modeling, I need a wheel (rear of the bicycle, no need for the whole bicycle), a conductive disc (Aluminium) and a terrain where the wheel slides. For this type of Simulation, it is clear that it is “Magnetostatics” or “Electromagnetics” depending on the options available. The solution to this slippage is increasing the static friction coefficient of the tires. The higher the static friction coefficient of the tires, the less tire slippage occurs. Since I am a beginner, I imported an entire bicycle , and I was not able to create a magnetic field to brake the wheel correctly. Thank you for your help.

Hi @essabbar,

Unfortunately there isn’t a way to couple the electromagnetics solver with structural analysis in SimScale, which should be required to simulate the breaking of your bicycle.

However, if you want simply to analyse the difference in friction forces between two different tires, you should be able to do that by running a simple static simulation where a force is applied to the tire and the floor is moving. I’ll try to work on an example and get back here later on :slight_smile:


Hi @essabbar,

I’ve performed a simples simulation that you can use as a template to exemplify what I was going for. You can fint it here:

There, I’ve created a face calculation for the reaction force on the lower portion of the tire, so that you can monitor the effect of the friction:

I hope it helps!


Hi again,

Here’s an animation of what happens in that simulation:
