Simulation error while doing static stress analysis

I am working on a solar panel assembly project. I have used incompressible solver to calculate the wind loads generated by the wind over the structure. Now I am using those wind loads and doing a static stress analysis for the same structure. But while running simulation I am getting errors at the very starting. The mesh generate but it says “Some mesh elements have quality metrics outside the recommended ranges.”

Link to my project- Some mesh elements have quality metrics outside the recommended ranges.

How can I improve on my mesh for the simulation?

Hi @shubhj21, I’m taking a look at your simulation now and get back to you later with some specific comments :slight_smile:

In the meantime, please make sure to always check this knowledge base article when looking for defects in your mesh:


Hi @shubhj21,

I see that you’ve inserted an inflate boundary layer refinement to generate the mesh.

That shouldn’t work for Structural Analysis since boundary layers serve the purpose of better representing the boundary layers in fluid flow.

In that sense, this seems to be one of the factors causing the low quality of your mesh, which can be inspected via the meshing log as explained in the link I’ve provided earlier:

The rest of the reasons are probably due to your plates being very thin and at the same time connected to larger parts. However, I think cleaning the CAD as I had mentioned in your last forum post should be the best route to start off with.


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