Simulation Error Relating To Computing Quota

Hi, I am currently trying to run an incompressible fluid flow simulation on an F1 in Schools car and am having issues when starting the simulation. When is select start it gives me the error seen below.

I have tried everything I can think of to fix this, I have reduced the complexity of the mesh and simulation, and even tried on more powerful computers, the one I am currently using is the most powerful I have access to and is capable of running programs like Unreal Engine smoothly.

One thing I noticed was that with the current file type I am using (.stl), it only allows me to run incompressible simulations using the Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), but in the SimScale CFD tutorial with a pipe junction, it uses the regular incompressible method and the simulation runs fine. I tried other file types and all I have access to are the same with the exception of .ipt’s where it refuses to upload, or with .stp files where it gives a seemingly unfixable intersection error between 2 components. This error is shown below.

Any help with either of these issues would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!

Kind Regards, Archie

Rapid Falcons Car Designer

Perhaps the following information will help:

  1. It appears that a STL file is not generally generated for simulation purposes except in the case of PWC and LBM analysis. It appears that the format of the geometry in Tutorial 2: Pipe Junction flow is Parasolid.

  2. Both LBM and PWC analysis types run on GPUs. Perhaps, this would be the reason behind the error “Your Computing quota is not sufficient to start the job” in this case.

To remedy this issue, perhaps it may help to export your model to STEP or Parasolid format instead.

Furthermore, the Geometry tab on top right corner shows that there is one self-intersecting geometry. The error on self-intersecting geometry occurs when a body has entities intersecting each other. Refer to this documentation page for more information: CAD Faults & Automatic Simulation Core Choice | SimScale.

The documentation page on the Wrap operation may help resolve the error on self-intersecting geometry: CAD Edit | CAD Preparation & Upload | SimScale

This forum post may also be helpful: Self Intersecting Geometry - #4 by SBlock and Self Intersecting Geometry - #6 by SBlock