I had previously enrolled in one of the Simscale Academy courses ‘Introduction to Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)’, but can’t seem to access it right now. Clicking on any link pertaining to the Simscale Academy takes me to ‘Pricing’ page (Including the link sent to my e-mail after getting myself enrolled in the course). Has anyone else come across this issue or is it just me?
Thank you in advance!
Hi @hwarrier!
The Academy has been taken down as the classes were massively outdated. We have other learning resources & especially tutorials in our documentation.
Let us know if you have any further questions.
Ahh, I see. That sucks (a little bit) because I was halfway through it. It was probably old but I found them really helpful.
Thank you for the reply, Jousef!
I can understand that We want to make sure that our quality is top-notch thus outdated content will be deleted (same goes for forum posts). As mentioned, the documentation has some great tutorials and we will add more over the next weeks.
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Hi Jousef,
Apart from the tutorials will you ever update the SimScale Academy for future us?