Random selection of temperature points within a model


I have a project about interior temperatures of artifical roosts for bats, and I need to do a random sampling of the interior temperatures (about 40 or more points). In the solution fields, Is there a way to take random temperature readings without just using the inspect point feature on 40 “random” points of the model?

Hi @calebmueller, thanks a lot for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

I think what you’re looking for are probe points:

Tell me if that helps :slight_smile:


Can probe points be randomized? IfI just create 40 probe points that wouldn’t accomplish the random aspect of what I need.


Hi Caleb,

Unfortunately not, there souldn’t be a way to do that within the platform. But you can suggest that over at our RoadMap!

Maybe you can try doing that in a third party solution and then type in the coordinates manually for each probe point