I am new to CFD and have run a simmulation in the hope of understanding wind flow around a national park. I am however struggling to understand how to post process and visualize my results or even extracting specific location point data from it. The link to the project SimScale is there anyone that can help?
Hi @schrist!
Have you had a look at the new blog post about the release of the new workbench? This might help you out: Workbench 2.0 Blog Post. For detailed questions I am sure my colleague Darren (@1318980) can help you out
Hi @schrist,
That is a great model. There are several issues with the simulation but I’m not sure how accurate you’re looking to get results out so let me know what the objective of the project is.
While I’m also very new to the new post-processor, I agree with Jousef that you need to look through the page about the new features and how to use them. For your case, a simple velocity/pressure slice (cutting planes) at any desirable elevation or location would probably be what you’re looking for along with streamlines to see how flow progresses throughout the domain.
You may also need to probe points to deduce say the wind velocity at that particular point. I don’t think you will be able to probe points without first setting up their points (in the x, y and z direction) before the simulation phase under probe points below result control. So do perform that if needed.
A brief look at the velocity plot dosen’t seem to show anything useful as the flow speed is very low throughout the domain. You might want to re-check the mesh and the BCs. Alternatively you can perform your post-processing offline via ParaView (which is my preferred way).
Thank you Jousef and Barry for your responses. I will in deed be looking into the page that Jousef shared about all the new features.
Thanx also for the advice on the probes.
The simulation as it stands is a learning curve/proof of concept. At present the need for high accuracy is not needed but I am hoping to up the accuracy in follow up simulations. The overall objective is to look at if wind movement can be used to predict fire movement in the selected reserve.
Hi all,
Another two quick novice questions, in the new post processor how do I add filters to add things such as Stream tracer ? Also how do I identify the x, y, z coords for setting probe points is there any identify type of tool I can use or visual selection that identifies these?
Kind regards
Hi @schrist,
You’ll have to look through the new post-processor documentation for that. Haven’t had the chance to use it myself . Maybe Jousef can advise you.
Unfortunately, you’ll have to know these coords from the CAD itself. However, a small workaround (despite being very inelegant) is to use the material point itself to deduce the zero point and extrapolate roughly where the points of interest are. Of course, if you want to be super accurate, a CAD software is a must.
Hi @schrist!
Please have a look at this video here: Particle Traces - Streamlines. And I agree to what Barry has said that identifying points in your model should be done with CAD software.
Let us know how things go. Cheers!
Hi guys,
Thanx very much for your help. It looks like I am managing well. I am playing around a bit more and may change the model one or two times but I will share the end result with you guys.
Thanx for your patience.
Agree with schrist about extracting specific location point data from post-processing
And I think probe point may contain so many info,
I hope i can de-selection some of them