Post-Processing Center of pressure

Hi, My name is André and I’m new on SimScale platform. I would like to know if In Post-processing, can I find the center of pressure of a wing for example? Or the distribution of force on its surface? How can i do this ?

Hi André (@AMoreira)!

This is not possible in our post-processor and I would recommend downloading Paraview anyway for more sophisticated post-processing procedures. For the force The only parameter relevant being written are:

  • Total moment coefficient: Cm
  • Total drag coefficient: Cd
  • Total lift coefficient: Cl
  • Total front lift coefficient: Cl(f)
  • Total rear lift coefficient: Cl( r )

Maybe our PowerUsers @vgon_alves, @Get_Barried or @yosukegb4 can give you more information on how to achieve your goal inside Paraview.



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Hi @AMoreira,

It may be possible in the post-processor but I have always preferred doing it offline where it performs better via ParaView.

This link should provide you with most the steps needed to find the lift and drag of the aerofoil easily. The same methodology can also be used to obtained anything else like the center of pressure and the distribution of forces.

Center of pressure can be obtained by extracting the pressure distribution over the entire aerofoil. You can then extract that data using some of the steps provided in the link above to then calculate your CP. This NASA site on the formula to be used may help.

Similarly, distribution of force is also done the same way by extracting the correct surface normals in the correct direction to not only see the force distribution, but to also be able to extract out the overall force acting on the wing much like your lift and drag force.

Hope this helps.




Thanks a lot!

thank you so much!

Another way for CP here .