Platform Update 09/2016

Platform Update 09/2016

Some new product updates from this past month :slight_smile: Let us know what you think!

  • Mesh operations are automatically saved when created, reducing the clicks to a complete mesh setup.

  • Porous media regions can now be added within incompressible flow simulations.

  • The default settings for an incompressible flow simulation has been changed to “steady-state” instead of “transient”.

  • The post-processor automatically loads the last time step when accessing a result and auto-scales to the data range, reducing the clicks needed to access the final results.

  • CSV files are automatically checked on upload ensuring valid input for the respective setting

  • Changing the center of rotation of a post-processing result has been enabled via double-click as it works in pre-processing

  • The drop-down menus in the community pages and workbench have been streamlined


Hi Anna,

All these changes are great! I like the steady-state and last time step defaults. Those little things save time! And the center of rotation for post-procesing is quite useful as well. I haven’t tried the porous media yet and truth be told that’s the one I’m most interested in.

Anyways, I figured here could be a good moment to comment the following: when you load a saved state it seems to save the filters that you add but not the scaling or the time step values, this would be very valuable if it maintained a frozen version of what you are seeing during post processing particularly for the scenario where you share it with somebody who could review/analyze it but has no idea of the particular values such as time step or scaling. I am sure this will be fixed sooner or later, thanks for all the good work!

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Hi Oscar,

Thanks for the comments! Yes, I completely agree that a frozen version of the saved state would be useful - I have a feeling this is in progress, any comments here @bdaqui?

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Hi @oscarcorripio, @AnnaFless,

Restoration of the time-step at which the state was created is in our plans for the near future. We will have a look at recovering also the scaling.

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