Pedestrian Wind Comfort: Is it possible to obtain the wind comfort plots for a particular season?

Yes it is indeed possible. There is a way to calculate the comfort map based on seasonal data, currently it is a step that you can do after you run your PWC simulation. In this documentation page you can find the necessary information that explains this process.

Basically, if you would like to obtain the wind comfort map for a particular season, you can click on the button shown in the image below which allows you to upload your seasonal data in a . stat format and run a new simulation that will provide you with a comfort plot based on the seasonal data.


The initial simulation that you run takes care of all the demanding calculations of the transient runs (i.e. calculation of local velocities etc.), this data is then used in the calculation of the new comfort map that would be based on the newly uploaded seasonal data. As an outcome, You can obtain the seasonal data comfort map in a short time at a fixed cost of only 1 GPU hour!

In order to get the seasonal data, you would have to convert a seasonal .epw file to a .stat format and upload it accordingly.
This documentation page demonstrates how to prepare a .stat file for upload.