The problem that I find when I download the results from SimScale is that I cannot see the time 0 in paraview. I can’t see on the screen the initial boundary conditions.
Maybe it is because in folder number “0” there is not a folder “uniform” with the file “time”.
I’ sure that many people have had this issue before. Can anyone tell me a solution.
Besides, when I start paraview, it shows me this message: “ERROR: In C:\bbd\7cc78367\source-paraview\VTK\IO\Geometry\vtkOpenFOAMReader.cxx, line 7541
vtkOpenFOAMReaderPrivate (0000024AF0B42280): Wrong list type for uniform field”
I don’t know if it’s connected with the query.
@jousefm@sl_pez, I’m not sure what you mean by can’t see the boundary conditions in 0 times, what do you expect to see? like velocity at the velocity inlet etc?
But my main reason for writing this is that error message, I thought it was something I had to live with!! Whenever I do anything it pops up:
I’m facing the same problem as @sl_pez. I recently downloaded ParaView 5.4.1 and OpenFOAM 4.0 and 5.0. Whenever I open a project, I just can’t see the time “0”. ParaView ignores it and starts from the next time.
I have just seen a screenshot of ParaView posted by @1318980 in the topic named “Using Paraview on a Mac”, as an answer for shinisomara’s question. I don’t know which project was that one, but you can see in the “Current Time Controls” that it starts from time 1000.