Need Help in Simulation

Hi I have a CAD model ,i want to check the stability properties (both static and dynamic), of
a system of one or more floating bodies under the influence of steady wind, current,
thrusters and wave drifting forces.

Is it possible to stimulate in the simscale? or any other thing please suggest

Hi @aathiniot, thanks a lot for posting at our forum :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if I follow what you mean - could you kindly provide any sort of schematics (it can be a simple screenshot) that makes the issue clearer?

If you’re looking for Fluid-Structure Interaction, unfortunately SimScale does not currently support it. However, there’s a workflow for 1-way FSI to be done within the platform:

  1. First a CFD run is performed to obtain pressure data
  2. The results are taken to ParaView
  3. In ParaView, we can export a table with X/Y/Z coordinates and pressure values on faces of interest
  4. This table is used for a table definition within a pressure boundary condition for a structural simulation

Another thing that’s possible is the prediction of some forces present in an aerodynamic test, such as thrust, lift and drag as per in this tutorial.

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Thank you @igaviano for your response.

Here I have attached a screen grab of a CAD Model


How this CAD model will behave when it is dropped into a water (say sea water)

Hi @aathiniot,

Unfortunately you shouldn’t be able to do that within our platform.

The only parameter you can derive from the fully immersed body in SimScale is the hydrostatic pressure, but maybe you can derive further results using our Field Calculator.


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