Dear SimScale Team. These are some of the many requests resulting from my recent experience with the software:
implement some control over the PIMPLE algorithm (at least in CHT). I have one of my cases working fine. The p_rgh has already converged well, however, the cost per iteration has increased dramatically (i.e.: GAMG: Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 9.5683889814e-06, Final residual = 2.47981002236e-07, No Iterations 1000). Since under the current mesh you cannot reduce the residual further, one should be able to decrease the number of maximum iterations or increase the convergence target. It makes no sense to waste computational power trying to further decrease a quantity that has already reached convergence status.
Runtime modifications of simulation parameters: A good addition would be to modify things during runtime. For example, B.C values, relaxation values and addition of probes.
- Mapping of a coarse mesh to a fine mesh. In the same case, it should be possible to restart the simulation under a different mesh resolution for the same object.
When changing the geometry in a duplicated simulation, the settings and configurations should be maintained in all but in the removed or added parts. This should also apply when geometries are rotated (I have not tested this). This is required to efficiently launch parametric studies (e.g., the landing gear of an airplane is removed or the winglets are modified),
Best regards,
J.A. Gutiérrez
(@jairogut )