Multiphase Simulation Water Won't Go Beyond a Certain Point

I am running a hydraulics multiphase (water and air) analysis. I have done two simulation runs (one with an end time of 5 seconds and the second running out of time at about 8 seconds) and, in both, the water flows from the inlet as per usual and, at approximately 3 seconds, reaches a certain point in the geometry past which water won’t flow and just kind of gets stuck there. Attached is a recording of the animation of Run #1 showing the water getting stuck.

Could someone help me figure out what has happened? I don’t know if it’s the geometry, mesh, or something else. I believe this should be the link (shared with SimScale staff only, as a student it doesn’t allow me to make the project public): SimScale Login

Hi @mvizcarra, thanks for posting your question on the forum and welcome to the SimScale Community! :handshake:

I’m taking a look at your project now and will keep you posted of my findings.


Hi @mvizcarra,

I’ve just applied an iso volume instead of a particle tracing filter to your simulation and it looks a lot better:

There are some bugs which come with the particle tracing filter that make it not very suitable for multiphase flow visualization. However, if you take a look at the animation for your simulation, it indeed doesn’t look that great - which is probably due to the mesh being too coarse. There’s of course a balance to be achieved between computing power/quality of a transient simulation, for more information please take a look here.

Does that help?
