Multiphase - Machine Memory Issue

“The machine ran out of memory. Restarting run on a larger instance. No core hours will be deducted from your account for the first run.”

I’m getting this error repeatedly on a multiphase simulation. It then returns to start of simulation (or in this case where I had the simulation continue from). I’ve had as many as 8 of these repeats before I cancelled the simulation myself, but it appears an infinite loop. I don’t believe a larger instance is being acquired.

Perhaps, this documentation page will be useful: Error: Machine Ran Out of Memory | SimScale Knowledge Base

The error message “The machine ran out of memory” in SimScale indicates your simulation requires more resources than the allocated machine can handle. While SimScale attempts to restart on a larger instance, it seems to be failing in your case. Here’s how you can address this in SimScale:

Optimizing the Mesh:

  1. Reduce Mesh Refinement: This is the most common solution. A finer mesh creates more elements, increasing memory usage. Try coarsening the mesh, particularly in areas where high precision isn’t crucial. Look for settings related to “mesh size” or “element size” and experiment with slightly larger values.

  2. Simplify Geometry: If possible, simplify your CAD model by removing unnecessary details. A simpler geometry requires a less complex mesh, reducing memory demands.

Adjusting Simulation Settings:

  1. Reduce Simulation Domain: If applicable, consider reducing the size of the domain you’re simulating. This can significantly lower memory usage, especially for multiphase simulations.

  2. Adjust Solver Settings: Some solvers might have memory-intensive options. Explore the solver settings and see if there are ways to optimize them for memory usage. Consult SimScale’s documentation for specific solver settings.

Additional Tips:

  • Start with a Coarse Mesh: Begin with a coarse mesh and gradually refine it as needed. This helps identify the minimum mesh resolution required for accurate results while keeping memory usage under control.
  • Monitor Memory Usage: If SimScale offers options to monitor memory usage during simulation, utilize it to understand when memory limitations are reached.
  • Consider Alternative Solvers: If memory limitations persist, explore if alternative solvers in SimScale might be more memory-efficient for your specific simulation type.

By implementing these strategies, you should be able to address the “machine ran out of memory” error and successfully run your multiphase simulation in SimScale.

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