Minimizing Type of Refinements to Use in Meshing

I went through the documentation to understand the functions for different types of refinement available in SimScale. With so many refinement types, how do we choose the best and necessary ones for our simulation? Is there any article or information out there suggesting what refinements we can omit for certain simulations?

I saw a lot of tutorials here using almost all the refinement options. Can’t I just focus on refining the base mesh and 1-2 regions? And omitting other refinements like the inflate boundary layer? (I’m struggling with this inflate boundary layer :smiling_face_with_tear:. I think I’m doing my calculations for it wrong.) So far, what I know is necessary refinement for simulations with rotating parts is the surface refinement with cell zone, because when I didn’t use it my rotating part won’t show up in the meshing.

:round_pushpin:hex-dominant parametric meshing


Due to its bottom-up nature (volume cells are generated first, then surface mesh, then boundary layers), the hex-dominant meshing algorithms tend to be more advanced, as they require more ‘manual intervention’ and a meshing strategy that needs to be developed ahead of time.

Have you already tried the standard algorithm instead? The main refinements for that one would be boundary layer, local element size, and region refinements. Some of the global settings (‘curvature’, ‘small feature suppression’, ‘automatic boundary layers’, etc.) can also be very helpful.


This is what I’m trying right now. Do you think the sizing of the small cylinders are good enough? I’m not sure if this is the correct way of refining the sharp edges. Can I enlarge it? But then, I’m worried it might affect the ceiling top part of my turbine duct making it have uneven meshing. I input half the value of my local element max edge length.


Hi @RicardoParis :smiley: I’m currently trying out the standard mesher. However, I keep having failed meshing jobs, mostly due to too much refinements. For my project, I have sharp features and thin parts like in the picture below. Do you have any advice on how I can use standard mesher to refine these sharp edges better? I’ve only been playing around with the region, surface refinements and inflate boundary layers. I need to keep the sharp features.


The surface of these sharp edges is very easy to capture for the standard meshing tool, what can be tricky is the inflation of boundary layers.

Usually you will see sharp edges being cut short just a tiny bit to allow for a smoother mesh. E.g. like what was done to the trailing edge of the wing profile in this tutorial.

Note: for the standard tool, you will need to exclude the rotating zone from the flow volume creation operation. Check out this article, specially figure 9, for more details.
