Mesh Generation Problem


I am trying to run CFD on a model of F1 2022 spec car. The mesh does not generate specifying the issue as just “An error occurred”.
Upon going through the meshing log, I find all faces to be legal i.e. not error in orthogonality, skewness etc. But during final balancing, there seems to be an error occurrence saying “one process returned non-zero exit code”.
Kindly help, as I am not able to diagnose any issues. I have attached screenshots and my project link. The issue lies in simulation named “Full Model 3”

Thank You.


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Hi @DrDoom, thanks for posting on the forum and welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

I’ll take a look at your project and get back to you later on with my findings.

In the meantime, it might be worth-it checking out this tutorial for a reference:

As a sidenote - is there a particular reason why you’re going for the hex-dominant mesh instead of the standard one?


Hi @DrDoom,

I’ve ran some tests on your model and it seems like there are some issues in CAD impeding an external flow volume from being created. If I try to create a flow region enclosing the full model, I get this error:

If I create, however the flow region for the part which does not contain it, the operation succeeds but an inner part is created:

I think your CAD would benefit from some cleanups as the simulation will probably diverge due to meshing issues which will potentially be caused by small faces present in it. For example these ones:

As a final note, I think selecting the material point farther away from the CAD would make the mesh be more easily generated, since it will be where it will start to be produced (I’m not sure how much this would affect the success).

Does that help you to continue your studies?


Just as an additional comment:

I’ve applied the wrap operation to the whole CAD, then generated the flow region again and it worked:

I wouldn’t, however, advise you to run a simulation with a wraped body since it’s surface will be very rough and the analysis will likely diverge due to meshing issues.

You can find the project I did this here: SimScale Login


Thanks a lot @igaviano for your time and support.

I have done a few simulations using the hex dominant mesh which have provided me with pretty good and wanting results also as we had aimed for higher accuracy results on an FSAE Racecar.

Would gladly consider cleaning up my CAD geometry as a first step.

Thank You.