Material fluid

Hello. I have a question. Do sizes Sf, Pr, Prt c , β change the risults in a subsonic fluid liquid or They don’t contribute? I have made liquid hydrogen for simple clasic fluid.

Hello. I have a question. Do sizes Sf, Pr, Prt c , β and K ( bulk modulus) change the risults in a subsonic fluid liquid or They don’t contribute? I have made liquid hydrogen for simple clasic fluid.

Hi @vtsich, thanks for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

The only parameters that make a influence on the calculations for your project in particular are the ones shown in the specific material on the simulation tree. Let’s say I’m running a Conjugate Heat Transfer Incompressible analysis, for instance. Then, when I select “Air” as a material, the following properties will be shown on the tree:

However, if I toggle compressibility to “On”:

Some different properties will show up and some will disappear as I select “Air” again:


Thank you very much

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