Im tyring to perform my simulation on hip joint but when i want to introduce my implant into the natural bone in cad the natural bone dissapears

so thats the natural bone

thats the implant i want to insert but when i insert it, the natural bone appears only implant is shown why please?

Hello again @tahaakkawi , and thanks for posting your question on the Forum!

Have you tried using Add CAD operation in the CAD mode? It can be used to bring other models, and to essentially merge two geometries together.

Please let me know if it works, best wishes!

yes when i introduce the natural bone to cad to edit i select the add cad option but when i add the bone disappears and only implant is present, above in the photo i sent in geometries in option the option that says copy of bone is after i did cad where only implant ispresent

Could you please also share a link to your project here?


Looks like a scaling problem to me.

The implants have max dimensions of above 300 meters, while the bone has a dimension of 0.5 meters. When you bring the implants to the bone geometry, the bone model is so small that it disappears. You will need to use the Scale operation in the CAD mode first to scale down the implant model. (probably due to meters to mm conversion.)

I hope this helps, best wishes!

when scaling which scaling factor in your opinion should i put for the implant

That depends on the initial cause of the scaling problem in your own CAD software.

However, usually it’s related to meter to mm conversion. That’s why 0.001 scaling factor should work.