Humidity simulation inside the room

Hello everyone,
I am studying how humidity varies inside a room with people in it.
To do this I am using the Conjugate Heat transfer.
The people inside the room are represented by a parallelepiped. In order to simulate the generation of water vapour (humidity),.
I set the “Surface water vapour rate” value to 8.96x10^-6.
I obtained this value by assuming that the water vapour emission for each person is 100g/h.
Knowing that I have 10 people this is 10x100= 1000g/h
The parallelepiped that is generating the water vapour has a surface area of 31m².
So the calculation I did is 1000/(1000360031)=8.9610^-6 kg/(sm²).
is this calculation correct?
I leave you the link to the simulation in case you want to have a look. Thank you for your availability. I look forward to your kind feedback

Hi @s289286, thanks for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

Every boundary condition will be applied individually. So if you set it to 1000 g/s for instance, every person will emit that amount of vapor. EDIT: I’ve checked later that you’ve modelled the 10 people as a single block, in that sense your logic is correct.

Apart from that, I think the logic behind the calculations are correct - just make sure to double check the units and the formulas.

Does that help?


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