How to get output in an ASCII-file

after a static (or thermal) analysis: how can I get the full solution fields in an ASCII file? I searched for it in Result control - Point data, Area calculation, Volume calculation - but there is only min/max, average, sum. Is there another way?

thank you and regards


Hello Johannes, thank you for using the Forum. Currently, only the result format produced by our solvers can be downloaded/exported. It will be .vtu for FEA cases, and it will be in OpenFOAM format for most of the CFD cases except for LBM, and PWC simulations. LBM, and PWC will be Ensight Gold.
Paraview is able to correctly read our results, and it can be used to export to another format. In this link, you can find more information on downloading the results, and using them on a third-party post-processing tool such as: Paraview.
Hope this helps.