Heat Transfer Coefficient

Question 1: I have included heat transfer coefficient and nusselt number in Field calculation part. May I know how to see the result of heat transfer coefficient and nusselt number after the simulation is completed?

Project link: SimScale Login

Hello Jin! Thanks for posting your question on the Forum!

Once they’re enabled prior to the simulation run, you should be able to see HT coefficient and Nusselt number in the post-processor as follows:

Question 2: I have seen the heat transfer coefficient and nusselt number. But there is a few number, how to know which value is the exact value for the whole heat exchanger? Am I correct if I take the highest value: 17960 (Heat transfer coefficient) and 30100 (Nusselt number)?

Question 3: I have calculate the value of Darcy coefficient (190143843.6 m^-2) in porous media part. I should assign the value in d(x), d(y) or d(z) ? As currently I only assign the value to d(x) and I put 0 in d(y) and d(z).

Question 4: May I know how to see the result of pressure drop after the simulation is completed?

Project link: https://www.simscale.com/workbench/?pid=9106035379332113906&rru=ff769eaf-755d-43a3-b47e-31bfa03d0947&ci=26eabf97-43df-4f70-9bdb-b7ecaafb17e5&mt=SIMULATION_RESULT&ct=SOLUTION_FIELD

Hello Jin!

The legend bar you’re seeing represents the range of values for the variable being analyzed across your domain. It helps you understand the distribution and intensity of that variable throughout the simulation. By examining the color-coded contours on your results plot alongside the legend bar, you can interpret where and how strongly the variable is present in your domain.

Additionally, if you’re interested in obtaining specific values for heat transfer coefficients at particular surfaces or points within your domain, you can utilize the ‘Inspect Point’ and ‘Statistics’ options available in the SimScale post-processor. These tools allow you to gather detailed information about the variables of interest at specific locations in your simulation.

Regarding your second question, it depends on the direction of porosity. If the flow should only occur in one direction, other directions should have a much higher resistance value. The following documentation will be helpful in understanding this aspect: How to Use Porous Media to Define Perforated Plates | SimScale

You can determine the pressure drop across the system by creating Area Average result control items. This should help you obtain the pressure at the inlet and outlet, allowing you to compute the pressure drop accordingly: Surface Data | Result Control Documentation | SimScale

Question 5: May I know how to change the name of geometry? I want to change the name of shell and flow region.

Question 6: May I know how to know the length of tube in my simulation?

Question 7: May I know how to know the heat transfer coefficient and nusselt number of “tube side (cool flow region)”?

Hey Jin!

Question 5: It’s not yet possible to change the names of geometries listed on the platform - however you can create saved selections to group your entities together and name them accordingly.

Question 6: You can use the measurement tool or the ruler on the bottom of your screen.

Question 7: For that purpose, you can again use Inspect Point and Statistics tool to investigate your solution on specific points or parts respectively.