Heat Transfer 1 - results in different internal heat flow to external heat flow

I have been using Simscale Heat Transfer 1 to model a thermal bridge (for building physics). However, when I run the model, I have been getting different “Internal Heat Flow” to “External Heat Flow”. I would expect these to be the same. I wondered if you could look at my model and let me know if I have done something wrong?

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Hi @Etude, thanks for posting on the forum and welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

Sure! We can take a look, can you share your project’s URL here?


I’m sorry Igor I actually don’t know how to! I have tried copying the URL, but that doesn’t work.

@Etude you can just open the project and copy the browser’s URL :slight_smile:
Then, just paste it over here

Here it is: SimScale Login

Hi @Etude, sorry for the delay here!

Could you explain in a little more detail why you expected those to be the same?

I see that the quality of your mesh seems not ideal looking at the meshing log:

This will probably provide untrustworthy results in the end! Check out this article for further reference:

Tell me if this helps :slight_smile:
