Hi! I have some problems with gravity settings. The gravity that I set doesn’t work. I entered in the “model” value 9.81 m/s2 for ex=0, ey=0 and ez=-1 (because according to the coordinate system the “z” axis is directed vertically upwards). I don’t know what happened. After running the simulation, my model behaves as if the gravity wasn’t there. The elements in my model “are flying”. Could anyone help me? I would be really grateful!
Thank you for your answer! I can describe you my project in more details. This is the tower that I have to turn so as to bring it down. As you can see in my post-process results (running 8 is the only one that finished), single stones are crushing down, but they “are flying”. I think that my gravity isn’t working but maybe I did something wrong in the rest of the settings. Could you help me with that. If that wouldn’t be a problem, I also ask you to check “simulation control”. I have problem with establishing the timestep. In addition, I would like my simulation to be calculated no longer than 2 or 3 hours. I would be grateful for any help.