Generation mesh always error at 60mins and always 0%

I have an issue when running the program. I always got an error occur message which leads to this link Fatal IO Error: An Error Occurred | SimScale Knowledge Base . This error occur when it reach 60-80 minutes of generating mesh and the percantage always stuck in 0%.

I tried to recreate this project — Data Center - Master (Do Not Edit) by dlynch | SimScale

And here’s the link of my project –

I really need help,

Thank you so much

Hi there,
Thank you for posting on the forum!
The error message should have been more descriptive. I have created a bug report and hopefully it will be resolved soon. I will keep you updated about it :slight_smile:
In the meantime, I will go through your project and see if we can find a workaround to the error

thank you for the response,

i tried to recreate again and still with some modified model the error happened when it reaches 75 minutes.
Is it because i have many faces or body? if so is there anything i can do do solve this issue?

I hope to hear from you soon

Thank you

i change the 24 stacks to only 1 in each rack so that the faces and the body is less, which i hope the run can successfull, And yes the mesh is fully generated but the run is showing an error.

Here’s the project link

Hi @azizif, we’re deeply sorry for the (very) delayed reply.

Our team was going through some restucturing and now we are trying to reply to all of the unanswered forum posts from moths past :slight_smile:

Looking at your model, it seems you’re trying to run a Convective Heat Transfer analysis. However, in that sort of situation, you can’t have solid bodies mixed up with your flow region, since that kind of simulation only allows for fluid domains (as per in this tutorial).

A possible solution, as it looks like you’ve applied to your model, would be to select them as power sources. However, in that case you shouldn’t have their model in the flow region as well, since an advanced concept only defines a cell zone. More on that here.

At the same time, that level of model complexity (trying to capture each separate rack etc.) will naturally require a lot of computational resources, since you’ll need to make lots of mesh refinements to do so. An alternative would be to use the simplify cad tool in each of the racks before creating the flow region.

For more information, please take a look:
