Gauge Pressure Field Started Diverging

I started a simulation run until an error showed up stating:

“Gauge pressure field started diverging. Please check the mesh quality near the reported location and try refining the mesh. If the problem occured near a boundary, please check the boundary conditions. In case of doubt, please ask for assistance via our support chat.”

“Gauge pressure = -1.61366e+23 at position: (0.009588 m, -0.1148 m, 0.01851 m).”

I do realize that the Aspect ratio is high in this area after looking at the Mesh Quality and Meshing Log.

Are there any things I can change in my mesh settings or any refinements I can add? Thanks.

Hi @jviernes thanks for your post on the forum :slight_smile:

Could you kindly attach a URL to your project?


OK, Here it is:

Problem Occurs in Incompressible 3. Thanks.

Hi @jviernes,

If you take a look at the point in which your simulation diverged

And zoom in a bit

You’ll notice a really small gap which needs to be removed for simulation

For your geometry to be fit for simulation, you need to remove small gaps and faces because the mesh will be distorted in those regions.

Does that help? :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for the help.

Hi @jviernes, you’re welcome!