Force and Moment converging to zero

I was doing a CFD analysis of a solar panel assembly. I am using incompressible flow simulation. But somehow my forces and moments on the assembly are converging to zero.

I don’t know where I am going wrong.

Hi @shubhj21, thanks for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

Welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

Could you share the project’s URL for us to take a closer look?


Hi again @shubhj21, I’ve found the project on your public page :slight_smile:

I guess you’re thinking they’re converging to 0 because of the graph’s scale, which is too high due to the first iterations. But if you select it’s latter part only:

You’ll see non-zero values for the forces:

Does that help?


But why are there peaks that also reaching an extremely high value. While solving the force equations the peaks should come but in the same direction as final force and the converging should be near the peak.

Since you’re running a steady-state simulation:

Only the final value counts, because the simulation will converge to a single and final result (optimally speaking, of course). Looking at the values for the domain, they seem very stable:

Hi, as a quick additional comment: there’s nothing inherently wrong with having peaks at the beginning of a steady-state simulation - the first chunk of iterations are typically not so stable as the solution is developing at that point.

You can potentially minimize the peaks by enabling “Potential flow initialization” under simulation control, which gives you a more developed flow as an initial condition.
