I just wonder is it possible to model fluid-structure interaction with SimScale ? I thinking about case where there would be a moving solid item in a air channel/duct. Particularily I would be interested about an oscillating cantilever structure which itself generates an airflow. So in that case the move would be oscillating with some period. What are the means to describe a move of a surface in SimScale ? Or just think first a bit simpler case, a solid ball dropped in a fluid. How can I model it’s move in order to simulate the flows it generates ? In large move the mesh should be refined. How this can be done in SimScale ? Would the software be able to do remeshing automatically ?
At the moment there is a limited possibility to model fluid-solid interactions. Though solid-fluid is available in greater extent.
Coming to your examples: a solid moving through a duct or a ball moving in water, what usually is done is the change of reference system. We attach the reference system to the object, so that it seems as if it was still and it is the fluid that moves around it.
An example of a ball in fluid is this project:
It is a 2-d flow and uses LES turbulence mode, but you could interpret it as the motion of the ball.
When it comes to oscillations, you can do that using the Advanced Concept → Rotating motion → AMI → Motion type: Oscillating rotating motion.
For more check here: Rotating Zones | Advanced Concepts | SimScale
Yes, SimScale team is working on introduction of fluid-solid-interactions. Due to complexity of the topic it is very hard to judge when very advanced features are going to be present. You can follow our blog to keep with all the latest updates. Make also sure that you have update emails enabled.
Thanks Pawel for the previous answer; is there any way currently to at the very least be able to get the results from a fluid simulation ( like drag; lift or pressure, velocity plots ) and input them into a mechanical/ structural simulation ; even if manually.
You can measure forces and moments acting on surfaces in CFD simulations using Result Control items.
Here is the link to the documentation.
Later you can apply the forces manually to the faces of your FEA models.
There is nothing planned in that sense but you can go to the Product Feature Section and add a vote for that in case a FSI feature request already exists, if not then you can create one
Well please let me know if it will be available since it is highly desired.I need it for my thesis and I chose SimScale for that…It would be so helpful if it could be done,otherwise other options would have to explored.