Flow Volume creation failed

I’m trying to simulate the thermal comfort for underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system. I created a few square holes which will be covered with porous media (perforated louvres).

I’ve done this kind of setup for several times, however, I’m unable to create the internal boundary this time, not sure about the reason. Can anyone please help on this?

Hi @281EPO, thanks for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

Welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

As your project currently only has your CAD model in it, I can only assume the reason why you’re not able to assign volumes as porous media. I guess it should be because you only have one solid part in it:

A porous medium only defines a cell zone within the model where porosity occurs. In that sense, you need to have other volumes in order to apply it to, as these volumes won’t be solid parts per se. Maybe creating a box geometry primitive in those regions might help!


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Hi @igaviano, thanks for getting back to me. Sorry I didn’t make myself clear. The “internal boundary” I was referring in previous post was Internal Flow Volume. I need the Internal Flow Volume in order to get into the simulation setup.

Yes, I’ll create the porous medium during the simulation setup.

Hi @281EPO,

Thanks for clarifying! I’ve just checked and the walls from your model do not have any thickness.

In that sense, you won’t be able to create a flow region with that model. If you use it as a flow region directly, however, it should work since you only have one solid body in your domain!

Is that helpful?


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