Flow Region not working

I.m trying to create a flow region in this CAD, but for some reason, it says my defined flow region is an infinite volume. I made something that was exactly the same as this project and it worked fine for a heat transfer study, I’ve changed the dimensions so I’m starting over. But it just wont work.

For context I want to calculate the pressure drop from the cooling jacket, so if theres any advice on how to go about applying the appropriate boundary conditions and whether incompressible sims would show this value that would be great.

Current model: https://www.simscale.com/workbench/?pid=3593852937804291042&mi=geometry%3A9&mt=GEOMETRY

old model that is exactly the same besides, changes to the dimensions: https://www.simscale.com/workbench/?pid=3576478395474372353&mi=geometry%3A2&mt=GEOMETRY

Hi there, and thanks for using the forum!

This error is most probably caused by gaps between the inner and outer parts.

Please review the model in your CAD, because the modifications might have introduced the gaps, which in turn prevent the internal flow region to be crated. For example, you can try to fuse the parts in your CAD and then searching for gaps.