I’m trying to do a CFD analysis for air flow in a part of the city but I keep getting “floating point exception” in my simulation runs. I’m using the software for the first time so I’m not really sure how to fix it. I have seen the post that is linked with error but can’t. figure anything out.
Any help would be great
Hi this is Fillia
This issue has already been discussed in some posts. I would recommend having a look at the following post : Floating Point Exception Error
Best regards,
I have checked that post but my numerics are non-zero so I’m not exactly sure what to do.
Can you explain to me what you mean by the Numerics being non-zero? Maybe you mean the boundary conditions? The Numerics are the settings of the solver CFD Numerics | Simulation Setup | SimScale Documentation
Oh yes I mean the initial conditions and boundary conditions!
I see, you are right, but there are more suggestions in the post that you should test too:
Use upwind convection scheme
Double-check the initial and boundary conditions
Limit the time step
Apply under-relaxation
Try other linear equation system solvers
However, my personal suggestion is that you set the domain sizing according to Figure 5 here first: Aerodynamic Flow Behavior Around a Vehicle Tutorial | SimScale Of course you do not have symmetry, so you will need to extend the domain to both sides. Make sure to increase the height too.
Best regards,