Filling water for evaporation

Hi, i have a project that requires the open square box to be already filled with water to test for evaporation. Can I have some assistance in making the water already there and testing for how long it takes to evaporate at 38 degrees?

Hey Didi,

Thanks for posting on the forum!

A feature to simulate phase change is currently not available within the platform. There may be workarounds like running manual calculations with water properties (pressure, temp., etc.) calculated in the CFD flow simulation, in order to measure evaporated quantity. There may be some public projects that do something similar!

Feel free to raise a feature request in our roadmap for phase change / evaporation.


Hi @Didi , I can only think on these alternatives:

  • Look for empirical relations to calculate the mass transfer rate, given the air humidity, density, and wind speed (these define the mass transfer number—Sherwood number). There should be plenty in the literature.
  • Use OpenFOAM, which features phase-change solvers.
  • I didn’t check the other projects, but I don’t understand how you could solve this problem in SimScale. For example, if you set a scalar diffusivity value for water vapor, it will only show how vapor is transported in the air, but not the mass transfer from liquid to vapor phases. If you check those simulations and find a solution, come back to the forum and we can discuss it.

