Exit and save

I don’t fully understand the buttons Exit and Save as Copy (as described in CAD Mode | CAD Preparation & Upload | SimScale ).

Exit/Save as copy: Click ‘Save as copy’ to create a copy of your modified geometry. The new geometry will be listed as a copy of the original under the Geometry tree. Click ‘Exit’ to return to the Workbench without applying the changes. The changes are saved in CAD mode only.

I understand (I think) ‘Save as Copy’: all my changes are copied into a new geometry file (that has the word ‘copy’ in front of it.

But it looks that any change I make to the geometry is also changed in the original geometry file. So even if I do ‘Exit’ (which according to the web page no changes will be applied to the original) the original is changed!
And also not nice: when I do ‘Save as copy’ the changes are also applied in the original.

The only way I could keep the original is: load the original, directly do a ‘Save a Copy’ and then edit the 'copy.
(but sometimes no copy is made, I have not yet found when that doe snot happens, sorry)

It seems I really don’t understand what the ‘Exit’ does. Can you help how I need to interpret ‘Exit’ and how can I keep my original while ending with ’ Save as Copy’? Thanks.

All the best,


Hi @jjansman, thanks for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

Yes, this is how CAD mode operates. I’ll try to summarize how it works in respect to changes in the geometry:

  • When you edit a geometry in CAD mode, it and all of it’s copies will experience that change.
  • If you run an operation and just click on exit, it will be saved within CAD mode but the geometry in the simulation tree won’t experience any change. If you go back to CAD mode, the operation will still be there though.
  • If you delete an operation, all of the operations done after that one will be deleted.

A workaround for editing different geometries is to upload the original one multiple times, so that each one should be changed on it’s own for the alterations to be applied in CAD mode.

Does that help?


Thanks Igor,

Thanks, I think I understand it slightly better. But…
When I hover over ‘Exit’ I see the text: ‘Exit without applying changes’, but I now understand that this is ‘Exit without applying changes in the SIMULATIONS Geometry leaf and exit CAD mode’.

In some way I don’t want the SIMULATIONS Geometry leaf to be changed as the related Mesh/Run belongs to the used earlier Geometry.
<I saw indeed that the SIMULATIONS Geometry leaf was changed with the edited geometry in CAD mode, which becomes very confusing when looking at the Geometry and the Mesh/Run; at least for me>

And ‘Save as copy’ means ‘Save as a new geometry in GEOMETRIES and exit CAD mode’. But this exiting also does not make changes in the SIMULATIONS Geometry leaf.

So I still don’t fully understand these two options.

Using ‘A workaround for editing different geometries is to upload the original one multiple times, so that each one should be changed on it’s own for the alterations to be applied in CAD mode.’ might indeed be the best.

It looks there is inheritance going on (and perhaps that should be explicit in the GEOMETRIES tree). I will further try/test/digest…

All the best.

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