Disc brake thermodynamic non-linear simulation


Context : I try to simulate the heating after friction of the brake pads on a disc. I already read that simscale doesn’t take into account the heating after friction, instead I want to simulate this with a surface heat flux boundary condition in a thermodynamic simulation with a mesh taken from the free 3D model bank of simscale.
Because the heating by friction is not considered, it is useless to simulate the circular motion of the disc but I wanted to simulate it to have a homogeneous temperature evolution in the disc and adding a convective heat flux to simulate the loss with the ambiant air contact.

My problem : I put the heat flux surface boundary condition on the surfaces of the brake pads in contact with the disc and, unfortunately, over time the heat flux only applies to the surface of the pad which rotates with the disc (while the pads are fixed with a fixed support condition). My project : SimScale Login and the run is the REFERENCE RUN one.

I suspect the numeric method that I didn’t try to change because I don’t know exactly how it works and the computing time that I risk to use depending on the method.

Thanks for your help

Hi @matteo_vergnau, thanks for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

Welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

I see what you mean and am taking a look at your project now! I’ll run some tests and get back to you later with my findings.


Hi again @matteo_vergnau, it seems that the model is coupling the heat transfer at the initial position - I’ll bring this case to our team roundtable for futher discussion :slight_smile:

However, a possible workaround (though difficult) in the meantime would be for you to apply the surface heat flux boundary condition to the disk instead (1), then define a constrained region (2) and apply a conditional formula for it only to be applied there (3):

Ps: The given forumula is only an example taken from here.

I’ll discuss with my colleagues to see if there’s a simpler solution!


Hi @igaviano , thank you for your answer and for your time, I will try your option as soon as I can and I will get back to you to let you know if the problem is resolved.

Best regards,