Co2 flow simulation

Hello, I am very new in this domain, but I chose to do my bachelor paper using this program and I don’t have any coordonator to help me though it.
I am trying to make a simulation of how the CO2 is building in a classroom full of students, while also implementing an algae aquarium in order to see if it can make a difference in the co2 levels. Safe to say is that I have a lot of errors and I am not sure if this platform is even able to conduct this kind of simulation, but any advice is appreciated.

Perhaps, this tutorial will help with your project: Car Park Contamination Simulation Tutorial | SimScale

Also, perhaps the following documentation will help resolve the errors:

  1. For the first error message, see How to Find Faults in the CAD Model? | SimScale Knowledge Base (Tip 2 may be helpful)
    and see CAD Mode | CAD Preparation & Upload | SimScale

  2. For the second error message, the error may be related to the CAD model which contains a series of sheet parts. In other words, this error may be related to the first error message.

  3. For the third error message, perhaps creating a fluid volume for your geometry is necessary. This documentation page shows the steps to do so: How to Create Flow Volume Extraction? | Knowledge Base | SimScale
    Also, this documentation page directly explains the reason for the error and the workaround: Error: Multi-Region Mesh in Non-CHT Simulation | SimScale

  4. For the fourth error message, as the last documentation page explains, “non-CHT analysis types are single-region analysis. Therefore, they only require the flow volume to run correctly. To make this geometry appropriate to run a simulation, we need to create the flow volume and delete the solid parts.”


Thank you very much, your answer really helped me a lot, but I still have some errors from trying to solve the first ones. The ones that I found tricky were the last two ones that mainly require me to change my base geometry. Regarding the 17 bodies, the only way I could solve it is to merge every body into one so the simulation can work, but that erases all the interior details of the room. Secondly, when trying to add internal flow volume, there have appeared more errors that stop me from even checking if that is the solution to my final errors of the simulation. I added here the error I got from the internal flow volume. Any suggestion is well received.

Perhaps, you do not need to merge the bodies. To run a simulation, a flow volume needs to be created. Note a flow volume is the region occupied by the fluid (gas or liquid).

As an example, take a look at this tutorial: Thermal Comfort In a Meeting Room | Tutorial | SimScale
Click on “Import Tutorial onto Workbench”, click under Geometry on “Meeting Room”, then click on Edit in CAD mode. On the side bar, click on Internal flow volume to see what faces make up Seed face and what faces make up Boundary faces. Then click on Delete bodies and hover over the parts under “Bodies to be deleted” to see which parts are deleted.
Perhaps, this example will give you a better idea of how to create the flow volume and delete the solid parts properly to ensure your simulation can run.

Going through the tutorial attached above may help resolve the issue you are facing. For a more detailed explanation on how to choose seed faces, see this documentation page: Choosing the Seed Face In Flow Volume Extraction | SimScale. Note in the documentation page, the two ground rules for selecting a seed face.

Also, check for any holes or gaps in your geometry; ensure no intersections between some parts

Hi @Croibu, thanks for posting on the forum :slight_smile:

Also, thanks @nelta for such valuable replies!

Can you also share your project’s URL for us to take a closer look?


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