Choice of simulation type and early tutorials

I hope this is the right part of the Forum to post this. Please excuse any errors I make since I am a hobbiest and first time visitor to the Forums.

I have a simulation in mind that I want to run, and I’m trying to figure out if SimScale is the right tool.
My simulation contains (in theory):

  1. Transparent ball (glass or similar) with a thickness of a few millimeters
  2. Encased inside this transparent ball, a metal solid ball (such as Iron), leaving only a few millimeters gap between them. i.e. if the Iron ball is 100mm in diameter, the glass ball is 104mm in diameter, etc.
  3. A gas filling this gap, locked without possibility to escape (CO2 or other similar gas)
  4. Possibilty to add a gague/valve to release pressure from the gas chamber

The results I want to view are:

A) How does temperature of the metal ball and the gas change over time when applied to outside heat
B) How does pressure change for the gas substance as a result of change in temp. and over time

Is this something that is possible to simulate in SimScale?
If so, which “type” of simulation would be best? and can you direct me to some early tutorials and examples?

Thank you very much


For the set “A” of results, you can either use a transient “Conjugate heat transfer v1” or a transient “Heat transfer” simulation types. The heat transfer approach is an approximation, as you would have to assume the CO2 volume as a ‘solid’, but it will be much cheaper to run and it’s generally a good approximation for closed spaces.

For the set “B” of results, only a transient conjugate heat transfer v1 (CHTv1) analysis would work, since you’re interested in pressure. Transient CHTv1 simulations can be expensive to run, if you’re not cautious. This webinar might be of interest.

The available tutorials are in this page, labeled with the analysis type that they use.

PS: adding a valve to release pressure is currently not supported.



Thanks for sharing