Changing output seen in Solution field of same Simulation run

For some reason I am not really able to reproduce, sorry, but I encountered it now in two Simulation runs’ in Nageli henge measuremenets by jjansman | SimScale of Simulation: 25m, 2.2m:5m/sec,ap=8.5, F=7.5:

  1. z0=0.5-op=0.625-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010
  2. z0=0.5-op=0.75-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010

I only thought about screen grabbing in one instance (the second one: z0=0.5-op=0.75-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010
), but the same happened for the other Simulation run (z0=0.5-op=0.625-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010).

This was seen (which looks to be expected for z0=0.5-op=0.75-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010):

and this was seen also for the same Solution field (and same Cutting Plane):

I don’t know how the output of ‘Solution field’ changed; due to going back and forward to another ‘Simulation runs’ or by swithcing between ‘Cutting Plane’.
<by the way, there was difference for all Curring Planes, I don’t have screengrabs but ‘readings’>

Again similar happend for ‘Simulation run’: z0=0.5-op=0.625-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010

Sorry at this moment I am not able to reproduce it again. I will try to be more ‘screen grabbing’ and remember what sequence done to get it rigth/wrong again.

But perhaps this helps you in some way.

All the best,


Hi @jjansman,

Thanks for posting on the forum! However, I’m not sure I understand what the issue you’re facing is. Could you clarify a bit further?


I also don’t know precisely the reason. I see different outputs in the same Solution fields with same Cutting plane). As you can see the two screengrabs are for the same Solution field and the same Ctting plane but at different times…
Don’t understand…

@jjansman to me, the 2nd view simply looks like a zoomed-in view of the first one, that’s it.

The green box above is the zoomed-in view which you see on the lower screen (your 2nd pic).
The only other difference is that the post-processing “filters” are not shown (blue). This is controlled via the blue highlighted button in the post-processor toolbar.

Without more info on what exactly is unexpected for you, there is not much we can do to help you.


Grrr, was I that stupid? You might be right! Grrr… Sorry!!! Sorry!!!
I really thought it was not that, as it happened with two different simulation runs, but again I migth have had a real laps! I wil watch this better in the futere! Sorry!