For some reason I am not really able to reproduce, sorry, but I encountered it now in two Simulation runs’ in Nageli henge measuremenets by jjansman | SimScale of Simulation: 25m, 2.2m:5m/sec,ap=8.5, F=7.5:
- z0=0.5-op=0.625-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010
- z0=0.5-op=0.75-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010
I only thought about screen grabbing in one instance (the second one: z0=0.5-op=0.75-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010
), but the same happened for the other Simulation run (z0=0.5-op=0.625-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010).
This was seen (which looks to be expected for z0=0.5-op=0.75-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010):
and this was seen also for the same Solution field (and same Cutting Plane):
I don’t know how the output of ‘Solution field’ changed; due to going back and forward to another ‘Simulation runs’ or by swithcing between ‘Cutting Plane’.
<by the way, there was difference for all Curring Planes, I don’t have screengrabs but ‘readings’>
Again similar happend for ‘Simulation run’: z0=0.5-op=0.625-VolCus=0.2-Dir=010
Sorry at this moment I am not able to reproduce it again. I will try to be more ‘screen grabbing’ and remember what sequence done to get it rigth/wrong again.
But perhaps this helps you in some way.
All the best,