CFD Post Processing Calculations

Hello, Im having trouble with Post processing calculations, specifically where I am supposed to go to get certain data/Which data should I be using. I am trying to calculate the downforce of a car I am working on and I am not sure I am using the right data. The data I am looking for is below:

  • πΉβ†’π‘‘π‘œπ‘‘ is the total force vector
  • π‘€β†’π‘‘π‘œπ‘‘ is the total moment vector
  • 𝑙→ is the lift direction vector
  • 𝑑→ is the drag direction vector
  • 𝑝→ is the pitch direction vector
  • π΄π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘“ is the reference area value
  • πΏπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘“ is the reference length value
  • 𝑝𝐷𝑦𝑛=12𝜌|π‘ˆβˆž|2 is the dynamic pressure
  • 𝜌 is the fluid density
  • π‘ˆβˆž is the freestream velocity

Some of the data I know is correct as it is user imputed before the simulation, Others like Ftot and Mtot I am not so sure of. There are values in the plots in post processing, but I am not sure if thats what I should be using or not. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated

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Hi @hlyle, thanks for posting on the forum and welcome to the SimScale Community :handshake:

It’s a bit tough to say for sure without having a look at your simulation in particular - could you share it’s URL here?

For more information on Forces and Moments, take a look here:
