“Gauge pressure field started diverging. Please check the mesh quality near the reported location and try refining the mesh. If the problem occured near a boundary, please check the boundary conditions. In case of doubt, please ask for assistance via our support chat. Gauge pressure = -1.78732e+19 at position: (0.3245 m, 0.3124 m, 0.348 m).”
Hello Quinn
Thanks for reaching out to us here in the forum.
Can you please provide us with a link to your project and a brief description of what you want to achieve with your simulation.
Best regards
Hello, Thanks for responding. Here is the link to the project… SimScale
Trying to achieve continued convergence beyond 700 seconds. As you can see if you look at 'Run 8" in the “Force and Moments” chart section, the simulation begins to converge very well up until it hits about 700 seconds (of the 1000 second run), then the forces and moments go wild and begin to diverge greatly thus causing the simulation to terminate. Note that the numbers BEFORE that 700 second mark look very reasonable, and match both our other SimScale simulations, as well as actual experimental data of similar physical tests. However, it would be very good for us to see that these numbers (especially the Force-Z and Moment-Z) continue to converge toward a reasonable value. Those reasonable values would be very helpful to us in our design of this part. Thanks again.
Hello Quinn,
sorry for the so late answer I was trying some things to figure out how to help you.
My suggestion would be to work with more refinement zones with increasing size steps from the inside out.
With that, you can generate a finer mesh at the MRF region and slowly increase it further outboard to the region boundaries.
You can find out how to set up mesh refinement here:
Please let us know if this could solve your issue.
Best regards Sebastian