Analysis of loads in piping stress

What are the effects of different loads which concerns with piping stress

Hey Faisal,

maybe these links can help you for your problems:

Especially the last link might help you.

Have a nice day! :smile:


Thanks jousefm for ur views
Can i analyze these loads in FEA tool

Hello Faisal,

for all of those load cases you have to choose the appropriate boundary conditions that enable you to apply those loads in your simulation model. You can apply a hydrostatic pressure simply via a pressure boundary condition or if the pressure varies for example in one coordinate direction (taking gravity into account) you can define a formula or table value in order to cover that in your pressure boundary conditions. You find an overview over all possible boundary condition types in our documentation:

If you want to have a look at an example setup, you can simply import one of the library projects that has a similar setup like for example this thermostructural stress analysis of a valve:

Best Alex

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