Add variableHeightFlowRate inlet boundary condition

Thank you for adding a feature request in this section! Please help us getting most out of your request for our product and your user experience by describing your demand in detail:

  • Which feature do you need?

    Add the variableHeightFlowRateInletVelocity type for U and variableHeightFlowRate for alpha.phase1 as an option when defining custom boundaries.

  • What is the problem that you want to address with this feature?

    Include missing boundary types.

  • What is the expected outcome?

    Improve simulation of weir and dams with multiphase flows.

  • Can you share application examples, ideally with project links on SimScale?

    There’s a tutorial case which uses the boundary types requested. This boundary condition could be used in projects such as this one or this other.

Thanks for your feedback Pablo! :slight_smile:

All the best!


Hi @pfernandez, we recently also had a need for this, however, I didn’t know there was a foam boundary already in existence. I will forward your suggestion.
